Sitter Responsible Use


  1. Always wear a BSA t-shirt. Dress comfortably and appropriately.

  2. Bring your BSA Fun Bag with First Aid kit to all sits. Contact BSA if you need replacement supplies.

  3. Be on time. Aim to arrive 10-15 minutes early to your sit. This will act as a buffer for bad traffic, or provide a transition period for the kids going from parent to sitter. Chronic tardiness may result in the dismissal from BSA Sitter Team.

  4. Have the family’s phone number, address, and directions with you at all times. Call the family if delayed for any reason. Don’t hesitate to call the family if you are lost or can’t find parking.

  5. You may bring homework, books, or your computer with you on the sit but may only use them after the children are in bed.

  6. Check your online schedule the week of your sits to confirm times & dates have not changed.

  7. If you need to cancel a sit, notify Babysitting Austin as soon as possible. DO NOT call a family to cancel a sit. DO NOT assume a sit is canceled until you hear back from a BSA representative. Chronic cancellations may result in dismissal from BSA Sitter Team.


  1. Make sure the parents have your cell phone number for communication during the sit only. Do not communicate with any family directly if you are not currently babysitting for them at that moment. All bookings and scheduling adjustments must go through BSA.

  2. Have your cell phone handy for communicating with the parents or BSA. Do not use your phone for personal use unless the children are in bed.  

  3. Find out house rules. What food children are allowed to eat, what TV they may watch, what rules are for indoor/outdoor play, and what discipline is allowed by the parents. Do not discipline physically such as spanking. Ask questions if anything is unclear.

  4. Make sure you understand bedtime routines, feeding schedules for babies and where supplies you might need (diapers, wipes, etc.) are kept.

  5. Please let parents know if you bring your own food into their home to avoid allergic reactions with the children.


  1. Safety is the number one priority. Having fun is a close second!

  2. Play WITH the kids, do not just watch them.

  3. Do not use television as the sole means of entertaining the children.

  4. Change the baby’s diaper at least once during the sit and check the diaper frequently.

  5. Clean up after yourself! No extensive cleaning is needed, but leave the house as clean or cleaner than when you arrived.

  6. Although a nanny cam is most likely NOT present, conduct yourself in such a way that you assume your actions with the children are being recorded.

  7. Complete a Welcome Home form so the parents of what happened during the sit, such as disciplinary issues, if they ate, etc.

  8. If the end time was later than originally planned, notify BSA immediately so that you’re accurately paid for your time. Be as specific as possible when reporting an end time i.e. parents got home at 9:22pm instead of 9pm.


  1. Never under any influences of drugs or alcohol during a sit. No smoking during a sit.

  2. For insurance and liability reasons, do not drive kids at all during a sit.

  3. Do not take the children on personal errands or have your friends or family in a client’s home.

  4. Do not bring additional children to the sit, including your own.

Babysitter Activity to Elevate Status

  1. Pick up last minute babysitting jobs.

  2. Keep profile availability accurate & notify BSA when you make a change.

  3. Notify BSA each week if there are specific days on which you would like to have babysitting jobs.

  4. Parents provide positive feedback after you have babysat.

  5. Check sitter portal daily.

  6. Check out tips and videos in Facebook group: Babysitting Austin Sitters

  7. Like our FB page:

  8. Refer a friend to join the sitter team!